Thursday, September 29, 2005
So long Spidey
I don't mind spiders as long as they are not in my house. If they decide, by whatever manner spiders use, to come into my humble abode, they very well may get splattered. Sometimes, when I'm brave, which doesn't happen often, I might try to catch them and put them back outside. But big ones, beautiful ones, if they come in the house make me crazy.

This Spider, whom I christened Spidey, I quite enjoyed for the brief time he spent with me. Spidey was an orb spider, which is a kind of writing spider, quite apropos if you think on it, but this morning I woke up and he decided to vacate his current lodgings for somewhere else. I'm hoping that is what happened and that he didn't fall prey to some kind of predator like a bird.

Spidey fascinated me. In the dim early morning hours, before the sun broke the flat line of the sky, I could sometimes catch him eating his breakfast right outside my kitchen window. He would spin his food around and around, coating it with silk and he would ingest. I never could find the dried up carcass which is crass I suppose, but I looked none the less, being the curious sort of person that I am.

I felt a kind of sadness when I woke up this morning and all I could see was the left over remains of his web. I even went outside to see if perhaps he had fallen or scuttled off to another spot in the yard. No Spidey anywhere that I could see. Just the mangled whispers of his torn web, which leads me to believe that all did not go well for my friend.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Lynn's Birthday
Had a great time this weekend. It was Lynn's birthday and she drove up to crash at my house, which is cool because then I don't worry about her driving home late at night. We went to the new mall that just opened, huge place that I could get lost in and I felt the need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find my way back out again. I'm not really a crowd person. I can deal with it but if left to my own devices I would prefer not to have to elbow my way in and out of stores or wait in lines to spend my money. That's just me though, probably has something to do with my lack of patience. I don't like waiting in lines to eat either. I'd rather go home and eat a salad. We wait enough in's all rush, rush, rush and then hurry up and wait.

I digress...So lunch on Sunday was extremely good with friends. We had Lynn's friends Rebecca (who is an artist) and her husband Nathan, Kyle (who is incredibly handsome, polite, and hysterical all at the same time. He's very classy and debonair)Our good friend Mary came and bless her put up with all our craziness and of course Morgan was there as well. *grin* It wouldn't have been a birthday lunch without her.

After lunch we decided to go see "The Corpse Bride" I loved it. I loved the music, the animation, (Johnny Dep was brilliant as usual) and the story. I really liked the story. I still feel a little sorry for Emily. The musical numbers were amazing, and a delight to the senses. Go see it, you will not be disappointed.

I'm hoping Lynn had a good time, birthdays are special times even if I'm trying to forget mine.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The Four Musketeers...LOL Bottom: Morgan Hawke. Left: Angela Knight, J'Man (otherwise known as High School English teacher extraordinaire, Lynn (our resident nutty professor) Happy early birthday Lynn...*grin* See? Public humiliation is not so bad...LOL

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Mr. Gaiman kindly signing my books

Morgan waiting in line at the signing

Neil Gaiman reading from ANANSI BOYS, his newest release.

On Meeting Neil Gaiman
I thought it would be easy to compose a blog entry about my evening. (I'm wrong of course--it's my burden) But I’m sitting here in my study, drinking a nice fine red wine, and trying to find the right words to do the evening justice.

You see, tonight Morgan and I met Neil Gaiman. He was signing at Joseph-Beth, a very nice bookstore here in town. When dealing with a writer of Mr. Gaiman’s ilk you expect a crowd and I have to say I wasn't disappointed. However the diversity of people there impressed me most. The very young, as in five years old, and the very old showed up in mass numbers. I believe there must have been at least two hundred and fifty people. Most had pre-ordered their copies of Anansi Boys, but many bought their books tonight.

We waited patiently, if such a thing is possible, and were promptly rewarded at six o’clock. Mr. Gaiman came out dressed in his traditional black, I would expect nothing less from him, I loved his boots by the way. He looks exactly like his pictures. A little travel weary perhaps, but then again this was a book signing and he had been traveling all day. (I've looked at his schedule and let me tell you the man is a machine) Yesterday, he told us that at his signing in New York over seven hundred and fifty people showed up. (If that had been me, I'm afraid I would have turned around and walked right back out...LOL)He was infinitely glad there were not THAT many people tonight. I’m sure his fingers appreciated it too.

He began with a reading from “Anansi Boys”, a lively tale about Fat Charlie. I’m not going to tell you more than that because you should go out and buy a copy of this delightful book. It’s funny, so very human, and exceptionally good. I'm already halfway done and will finish today.

I have to say that Mr. Gaiman is an entertaining reader. His tone and inflection perfect, not to mention the accent, he certainly had us laughing at Fat Charlie. After the reading he did a question and answer session. (“I’ll let you ask the questions…although I don’t promise to have all the answers”, he said.) He gave us little anecdotes about his great aunts (I believe the word he used was dodgy--but after two glasses of red don't hold me to that) which inspired the character of Rose’s Mum in the “Anansi Boys”, which I found hilarious. Evidently the only thing Rose’s Mum (Rose by the way is Fat Charlie’s Fiancé) keeps in her ice box is vitaminized water and rye crackers. Apparently one of his Aunts keeps Mineral water and newspapers in her refrigerator but he quickly pointed out that no one would believe the newspaper bit. (I meant to tell him that I would--If he told me that the moon was made of Gouda--I'd believe him.) He also went on to say that navigating the churning waters of family ‘who is talking to whom at the moment’ is always chancy. I have to agree with him on that one. Families are stranger than fiction for sure. (They make no sense what so ever—and unfortunately enough for us writers—our characters do need to make sense. Even if only to us.)

He also mentioned that at some point in time we might see a collection of short stories, that the Beowulf and Grendle film he is involved with starts shooting in five days, that there is a short story floating about in his brain about the Marquis De Carabbas (and his missing coat), and possibly some further short stories set in the Neverwhere World. I'm missing a great deal of detail but I couldn't stand the thought of writing down what he said word for word as it would have taken away from the moment. Let's suffice it to say the man has more irons in the fire than Carter has pills.

There was one point he made that really hit home with me (as a writer) when someone asked him about a book he was working on… He said that the inspiration for the story came to him back in 1985 yet he felt at that time his skills did not do the story justice. So he sat on the story until he felt ready to tackle it. (now I know I said that I would believe pretty much whatever he told me, but him not having the skill baffles me, but as a writer I still understand it, if that makes any sense at all and it made me feel much better about myself as I have several stories perculating in my brain waiting for my writing skills to catch up to my imagination. I may be waiting a while) It was nice to hear none the less.

Now for all you visual people who like to have a picture painted with words I'll try my best but if I fail miserably I hope you will forgive me. We are in fact talking about Neil Gaiman here. *grin* So if you asked me to describe him from the little I saw today I’m not sure I could quite capture the essence of him. But I'll give it a shot anyway.

He is witty, incredibly intelligent (sorry it showed), handsome in a devil may care sort of way with his longish black hair (that looks like he's had his hands in it) and mischievous brown eyes that look like they just might hold the secrets to the universe. He has the most incredible reading voice, deep and fluid and he didn't stumble one time. (Not that I expected him to, but I always seem to get ahead of myself when I read aloud and it is my greatest fear--well that and the thought that I might spit on someone) He held us all spellbound. I swear there is magic in his voice and well he is a very gracious writer.

Gracious meaning that he was everything you would want a fantastic writer to be. Open and honest, ready with a smile, or a quick humorous quip that eased our nerves because I can tell you that most of us were a bit nervy at getting to meet him.

One thing I thought was especially nice is what he did for those with children. (Those of us with children who have waitied in long lines while listening to a whining child who only wants to go home so they can watch Teen Titans, or heaven forbid another Lizzie McGuire episode for the one hundredth time truly appreciate it.) Those with children came through the signing line first. His preference and I heard it straight from the employee’s mouth to a mother of two. That left me smiling and seeing as I didn't have a child with me I appreciated it as well. Crying babies still have the ability to make the knee's knock when you are childless.

When I finally got to the signing table, I shook his hand, said something incredibly stupid like I hope your hand holds up, and could you please sign my friends tarot card deck to "Tinkerbelle on Meth" at which he laughed while signing my books. For Neverwhere, he wrote “Mind the gap” and for Anansi Boys he personalized it and then circled the “This one’s for you” in the dedication. He did the same for Morgan who was for once stunned speechless (I know--such things are miracles) and then he signed her Sandman Tarot Deck. He also congratulated her on her two book sale. I had to mention it to him of course because I knew she would never do it.

All in all it was a fantastic evening. I’ll be posting pictures here in a bit! He had been signing for four hours when I left, but I’m sure that he stayed until the bitter end. Bless him and I hope he has safe travels for the rest of the tour.

Edited to add: He also thanked all that read his live journal.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Are we ready for Halloween?

Check this site out. Spooky Town by Lemax. I was in Michaels yesterday and I bought the Halloween thief. Make sure to check out the displays...OMG! I have got to have the Witch's Lair. It is perfect! That and Dr. Stretch & Pull's Torture Torture Chamber...LOL

This stuff is great.

Monday, September 19, 2005
You know it's fall when?
When the spiders come out to play. This big guy is right in front of my kitchen window. I like to think that he is guarding me as his web takes up the entire window. Now if I could only talk him into eating the ants I would be in good shape. This isn't a great picture but he is a beautiful spider, and he is outside so he gets to live. The minute he decides that he needs to come inside? Oh yes, we will have problems.

Happy Monday everybody.

Edited on Thursday to add: I find it ironic that a spider decided to come visit me the week that Neil Gaiman's books ANANSI BOYS was released and that I went to his signing. An omen...dear me, what shall we do? (laughing)

Sunday, September 18, 2005
Caramel Popcorn and Lazy Sundays
Carmel Popcorn-the quick and easy way

2 packages microwave popcorn
4 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons water
3/4 cup of sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon

Pop the popcorn. (That’s the easy part)
In small sauce pan over medium heat, melt the butter. Then add the water, sugar and cinnamon, increase the heat, and bring it to a boil. Boil for 3 to 4 minutes. (This stuff is hot so be real careful) Pour half over the popcorn and then using big slotted spoons or whatever else you have handy mix it all up then poor the rest and mix again. Very, very Yummy stuff…

So today is my day to cook for the week. Yeah me. I made Lasagna, and then fried onion flowers. (That was a mess) I use tempura batter mixed with soda water to give the batter a light flaky crust. Needless to say it was a big hit for football Sunday. I got the recipe for the onion flowers off Food Network. Great site. I have to say all the recipes I’ve tried there have been good.

They have a recipe for this Italian cheese fondue that I’m dying to try. It’s a bread bowl type thing.

So what is everyone else doing today?

I’ll start work here in another hour or so but I’ve enjoyed my day. I took the dogs for a walk, did a bit of shopping (Old Navy has the coolest Halloween Pajama’s right now) and replenished my candle stock. I love scented candles. They smell great and are wonderful for the writing atmosphere!

Well, it’s almost time to get back to work and I’m on a roll with this book. You have to love it when that happens.

Saturday, September 17, 2005
Spectacular Saturdays
I have to say it is a fantastic day today. The sun is shining bright and warm and I'm sitting on my back deck writing this little message. I've had a great couple of days plotting and writing. I've got to update my word meters today.

Went looking for a new couch today. My old one has absoultly had it. No matter where you sit your butt sags at least six inches. the way makes it very difficult to get up.

Here's hoping everyone is having a great day. I've got Rufus for the weekend and I'm praying and putting up all breakable's on the off chance that he has a "moment"

Oh and have you guys seen the new Hersey Kisses? OMG! They are so good. They are chocolate with caramel in the middle. Just what I needed--not!

Friday, September 16, 2005
Separation Anxiety

Well at least that is what the vet says. Remember Rufus? The dog I used to baby-sit for my niece and nephew on quite a regular basis? Well, I still do. This is the dog who ate the seatbelts in my nephew’s car? Well he now has an official condition. He doesn’t want to be left alone. Who can blame him? Nobody wants to be left alone. But after chewing up five more pairs of shoes and three baseball hats, they decided to talk to a professional. It is official Rufus has separation Anxiety.
I’m sorry I think this is hilarious. Not for poor Rufus but that they actually have a name for it now.
I finally got a picture of Rufus in all his glory. Here is a list of causalities: the stuffed animal count has gone up…25 destroyed, 10 maimed, and 5 others missing various other parts. Two more Tupperware bowls destroyed (not mine thank the heavens) One Lamp cord, two blankets, and one briefcase.
You gotta love dogs…

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Words fail me...

New Gerry Butler pic's...Wow!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Today was a good day.
Of course the news that Neil Gaiman is actually coming to my little po dunk town is very exciting. He will be doing a reading and also a signing on the same night. Wouldn't you know it is the same day as my first Girlscout meeting? I may have to leave my co-leader a little early after I get them all started on crafts.

I found the most gorgeous yarn today. I don't know if I can explain it. It's black with little nubby orange, red, and yellow things in it. I've started another scarf doubling up on thread. I'm using Fun Fur Black Eyelash with the Autumn confetti. It is coming out great. The other scarves are all done. Finished those last week.

Finally found Suzanne McMinn's first PAX book. I like it. It has a fast pace to it and lot of angst but she has a very nice fluid flow to her words.

I spent the majority of the night brushing up my synop and then blocking out the first three chapters of Project One. Then I went back in and revised the first chapter and gave it the needed focus and emotion needed to sympathize with my main character. He's gonna need it because he's not really a nice guy in the beginning but you can't exactly blame him. He is a product of his envoirnment and he is going to elicit a lot of sympathy from the women. They are going to want to kiss him and make him all better. Don't we all love monsters?

Oh and Lynn! We have got to talk woman. You are going to choke on your cereal when I tell you about this. Honest.

All in all a great day!

Is Neil Gaiman coming to a town near you?
Okay, so I'm like one of the luckiest people on the planet. I admit it freely. Because I have tickets to the Neil Gaiman signing in Charlotte. (I did a little jig in my den) This is to promote his new book. They also said that he would sign copies of your other books as well. So my well worn copy of Neverwhere will be signed. I'm still dancing! How cool is it that he would come here? Here! This is sooo cool!
Okay...Hah! 1438 words done today so far before I found out that NG was coming to Charlotte. Good thing too! When will September 21st be here?

Never in all my born years
A favorite saying of my Great Aunt. She is such a hoot. I talked to her today. Caught up on news about home and in general she made me smile. Then of course I talked to Mother, she is such a card. She always knows exactly what to say and puts things into perspective. But I have to tell you, I'd hate to have my mother mad at me. She can be down right cantankerous when she's ill.

Oh wow! Before I forget. I will have the most beautiful pictures of downtown. A friend and I were supposed to go to a meeting tonight but as it happened we were at the wrong one. No one these days is organized it seems. Except us of course. If anyone had bothered to call us back and tell us where we were supposed to be we would have been there. As it was we ended up riding down the streets of an old Mill town. The houses were beautiful. I'm going back some time this week and taking some pictures. I cannot resist.

Ended up at the Fair yesterday afternoon. I ate so much I felt like I wobbled when I walked. Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches are the way to go. Then there were candy apples, cotton candy, Elephant Ears, funnel cakes, sausage dogs, and well you all know the rest. I did not eat all that stuff. I promise. I saw the pig races which I have to admit was hysterical. We rode all those crazy rides that should have made me loose my cookies but didn't.

So all in all I had a great weekend. Now it is back to work.

1782 words done today...

Sunday, September 11, 2005
What a great day on Saturday
I have come to the conclusion that no one should do a book signing by themselves without their friends. We had the best time. You would have thought we were sitting in our parlors having a drop in. We met tons of people. Old, young, middleaged, male, female, sane and crazy. Well, I think Morgan and I had the entire crazy part down but then again we normally do. We also have a new member to add to our list...we keep getting bigger and bigger!

*waving* to Jonathon. He is our super secret weapon and while he is oh so much younger than the rest of us he is cool. He put off grading papers to hang out with us crazy women and he bought one of AK's books. Now there's a great guy for you. He tried to do a reading but when none of us could keep a straight face he gave up.

I didn't get home until late, read some email and then passed out cold.

This morning I'm up and writing. Getting my words done. Lot's to be done!
Hope everyone had a great day yesterday!

Thursday, September 08, 2005
Long Day...
Well, today has been a long one. I actually made a time management list for myself today to see how I spend my time. Work during the day takes up the majority of it as it should as I'm drawing a paycheck for it. It gets a little muddy in the late afternoon as life takes over.

I fiddled with B&B today changing it from 1st person to 3rd. I wrote the original in first because I needed to get the attitude down. But it's needs to go into third so I can go into Grayson's point of view. He only has one section to Mary Margaret's three so it's a bit lopsided for him but then that is okay. I can see the pattern in it.

I'm now getting ready to go back and work on the synopsis for PNO. I have never written one. It's interesting. I'll probably end up re-writting this puppy three or four times before it makes any kind of sense at all. Right now I'm letting all the words come tumbling out so I can make some sense of them. Get it all in the right order after the first regurgitation. It's a good thing to practice. All writers need to be able to write out their stories like this in a way that it makes some kind of coherent sense. The trick is getting it out of your brain and onto the page. Feels like I'm doing some kind of brain surgery while I'm at it though. My brain can be a dangerous place to be at times...laughing.

Tired tonight as I've had meetings all day. Running mostly all day. This weekend will be fun though. I'm heading down to Lynn's store for a book signing with Angela Knight, a good friend of mine. She is the sweetest thing. Morgan & I told her we wouldn't let her go and sit by herself. At least she'll have some support. Lynn called me to tell me how many of her books they ordered and if it was me I would've choked on my tea. AK took it in stride though like any good Southern woman would. It will be fun. We're doing lunch before hand and I'll get to browse in a bookstore all day and talk to romance readers. That'll be a ton of fun! I love people and am looking forward to driving Lynn nuts all day. That will be worth the drive all by itself. Poor thing needs some comic relief and I'm always glad to provide it.

Okay gotta get back to work and get myself a shower. I feel like I have about two tons of red clay dust in ma boots!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Holy Smack!
I've got a new show to watch. I had just finished fixing myself some spagetti for lunch and sat down at the the tele. I had no idea what channel I was on but it ended up being PBS. Thank heavens for PBS and the BBC.

"Waiting for God."

Has got to be the funniest thing I've seen in ages. I almost wee'd my pants. I swear the character of "Diana" is hysterical. It's sets in this retirement home and Diana is a crabby old woman who used to be a war photographer. She gives crabby a new name and I love it. Talk about sophisticated sarcasm!!!

OMG! You guys have got to watch this. Move over Hiacyinth!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Sunday's at Miz Mac's
That is what my Aunt Maxine called my Grandmother. Miz Mac. It was a shortened version of our last name of course. Every Sunday, all her children piled up in the car with their kids and headed over to Marietta Street. I think every birthday up until the time I was eight was held in that back yard. And we were a crew. Four children, eleven grandchildren at the time.

I still have very vivid memories of my Grandmother all dolled up in her Sunday best with an apron on over her clothes finishing Sunday dinner. We would always eat outside, well the children anyway. She made the best pepper beef I've ever tasted.

My grandfather was a card. Well, with a name like Lucius what would you expect. He'd totally lost all his hair early in his young adult life in a bout of Scarlet Fever. I remember his laugh, and his twinkling blue eyes. He lived his life to the very fullest every day of his life.

Wow...I'm really taking a trip down memory lane today.

"The Family"
Would you get a load of those duds? And that big hair? Oh my...Mama would probably knock me silly if she knew I'd posted these...*snicker* good thing she doesn't often use the computer. I'm kinda diggin Dad's glasses too. He was so dapper... her younger days
Mother in her younger days. I love the expression on her face. She is the baby of six. My grandmother had three boys and three girls. They are James, Betty, Russell, Julia, David and Marjorie. Here she is one of their family friends.

Strong Southern Women: Miz Hansen
Miz Hansen was my kindgergarden teacher. Again another picture from graduation. Miz Hansen, Miz Martin and Miz Gainey were great friends. Three women who did more for their churches, and their community than you could ever imagine. Miz Hansen encouraged my love of reading even at such a young age. I always drove her nuts asking if I could go back to the library. Thankfully she gave in.

Strong Southern Women
There are people in this world who are angels. I truly believe this. Mrs. Mrytle Martin was one of them. She took care of my mother and I for a long long time when my parents divorced. She is the only woman who ever washed my mouth out with soap and she is also the one who put me in her front parlor and took care of me when I had the chicken pox. She is the one who spanked my hand with a ruler when I got out of line. She was a member of our Church and one of my first teachers. (Pre-school) She took care of my mother when she got so sick with the flu she couldn't even lift her head off the pillow. Where would we have been without her? I honestly don't know. I believe that she was sent to us in a great time of need to offer warm arms of comfort. This is a picture of Miz Martin and I on my graduation from kindergarden. Amazing how time flies isn't it? Miz Martin has passed on but I find myself wondering about her and her daughter. I'm thankful she was in my life.

Azalea Park, Flowertown USA also known as Summerville

The South in Mourning. This is at Magnolia Cemetary at the Hunley Funeral.

Another pic I scanned of the Hunley Funeral

Sunday, September 04, 2005
Football is back, my head is better...
Well, the college football season officially started yesterday and all the people in my house are happy. For the moment anyway. Actually it doesn't really bother me so much because they are pre-occupied which gives me more time to do what I need to do.

Check out project Numero Uno for updates on that story and the Novella.

My head is better but I would have loved to sleep in this morning. The cat and one of the dogs had other ideas at 6:30 a.m. So now I'm up and after having two cups of coffee my eyes are partially open at this point.

Partially...not sure I'm up to conversation yet though. *grin*

Saturday, September 03, 2005
Tired tonight...
I've been working on PNO today. I hate the beginning. I abhore it. Really. It sucks. I think it is boring as hell. I'll fix it later. Except for that first part on the bridge. That is good. The other? Eh...I dunno.

I have a headache of massive proportations. Weather is changing and that always brings me a headache or two. So I'm going to hit the hay early tonight. Will update all blogs in the morning!

Hugs to all,