Thursday, August 30, 2007
Do I need a title?

I'm not sure. I do want to say first of all if you don't like the music? You can turn it off by pressing the first button on the music player and that will turn it off. So maybe I can come to some compromise with it or move it over to my work blog. LOL. Janie was talking tonight about why she blogs and I thought about it myself. I don't really know why I do it. It's not so much any more to talk about the writing process because other people, meaning non-writers, get bored with hearing all that stuff anyway. I think most people who blog either like to hear themselves talk or for me it's a great way to start writing for the night. It gets those writing muscles or my fingers warmed up.

This week has been rush rush. Last week I didn't write at all. I thought a lot about my story and what I want it to say. Not so much that I want to thrust a moral down someone's throat but to tell a story or spend this much time writing you have to have something important to say or a belief system of some kind. I think my belief is that true love, an equal love, where both parties are committed can save a soul or souls. I truly believe that. I've found that and maybe I see so many others that haven't that I want to send out a beacon of hope that it can happen. But you have to leave yourself open for it as well.

But at any rate...I'm still working on the story but I need to get my lead's goal in order. I don't want to revise any further because the story is hollow without it. Gotta fix it.

Working on the outline for Cathal's story. Playing. Fiddling with it. And a retelling of AKFTR. Playing and fiddling with that too.

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Blogger Shesawriter said...

I guess I blog to connect with the outside world. I mean, people other than my next door neighbors. Blogging lets me talk to folks in other states and countries for pennies on the dollar. Not bad.

Blogger Bri said...

I also caught Jane's post about why she blogs - and while I'm still considering my own reasons, I would have to agree with you on a few things.

I think it's a great way to start the writing process for the day - but at the same time, I really enjoy the community of people I meet and make ties with. Also - I generally never get tired of discussing the writing craft - so I think taking a week to think about your story is not a bad thing at all.

Sometimes, it's better to focus for a while and make sure you're on the right track that to go into a story knowing half of what you'll need. Have a great weekend and best of luck on writing!

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