Saturday, March 25, 2006
What a difference a year makes
Some catching up to do. Well, first things first. I have changed jobs. I have found that as I am turning 40 this year there are changes I want to make in my life. No longer do I want to be the corporate guru or the career woman who climbs to the top of the corporate ladder. Okay, so I had figured that out a long time ago.

It was time to make a change, but one that didn’t totally leave my family devastated financially. So, I’ve gone on commission with my old job which gets me out of the office. I didn’t like going back into an office. (Which I was pretty much forced to due since last August and September. I don’t have the ambition or the stamina for things I’m not passionate about. I’ve also discovered that I have no patience for stress. If it is something stresses me out—poof—it’s going to be gone. Honestly, I don’t have time for drama, whose doing what to whom in my life.

However, I have a few passions. One and the first is my family. I love them dearly and in the past months they have been sorely neglected, not intentionally but due to job demands on my time I knew I had to make a change for me and for them. So I have embarked on a new career. One that I truly love and also does give me more time with my family. I have met so many wonderful and exciting people since January that it boggles my mind.

I have been exposed to some wonderful people and they have inspired me and my writing. Being observant (or in my case having not being able to not notice things—some might call this attention deficit disorder and sparked some wonderful stories) In the month of March of I have finished two short stories, and I’m almost done blocking out a story I started a while back. I also have notes for two other stories. I’m actually very proud of the two short stories. They are full of emotion, passion and wonderful characters that I would love to meet. I don’t know if I’ll ever do anything with them. At this point I’m just trying to get back into the habit of writing every day, which at first was very hard. I was on hiatus for almost eight months, not writing the first word, but my brain never stopped creating, never stopped dreaming. And that is what the whole creative process is about…dreaming.

I am a good dreamer.

In other news, I still haven’t gotten my laptop back (the wanker) but I have been doing other writing projects. Free lance projects, interviews and fun things that I’m enjoying.

So all in all my life is slowly but surely coming back into focus. Next week I start exercising again and taking care of myself. For those of my friends who had my old home phone number it has changed to my business line. I see no reason to pay three phone bills so if you don’t have my cell or my old business line drop me a line in e-mail and I’ll get the right numbers.

I hope that all my online friends are doing well and hopefully now you’ll start seeing a bit more of me!

Sunday, March 19, 2006
One of my favorite songs...

Sunday, March 12, 2006
To the Jerk who stole my laptop
I hope you read this. I know you are a male because only a guy would bash in my car window and take only my briefcase leaving a 12 pack of sprite, two packs of cigarettes, my tax information, two silver picture frames, my three romance novels in the front seat and last but not least a clinic bag full of makeup. If a woman had broken into my car she would have taken all that stuff.

So, by now friends I guess you have realized that some twerp with no balls, (I hope his willy falls off by the way-if you're reading this) broke into my car and stole my laptop.

This really gripes my ass. Sorry for the cussing but it can't be helped. It happened last week and now I have my door fixed, and the window has been replaced but you stupid little ingrate if I didn't have copies of my works in progress I would so hunt you down like the slimy little pointy headed demon that you are get my laptop back and sew your fingers together so you could never pick up anything ever again.

The good part is I didn't really have much on my laptop. Most of all my work is done at home and I am diligent about making back up copies of everything and then I also have hard copies because I'm just annal like that.

But's the principal of the matter. You hurt my car and that pisses me off more than anything. And I miss my briefcase. I really do.

So...If the person who stole my laptop just happens to read this blog. A pox on you and all your kin, may you have warts on your private parts and may your toes go together and your teeth turn black and may you never ever have sex again....

Okay, I think I feel better now....
More posts to come. Oh, and I wrote pages. Pages people. I actually wrote pages today. I'm so proud. It's taken me a long to get back to this point but I did it. I broke through the barrier and I'm so very happy....