Friday, July 29, 2005


Ioan....*Le Sigh* he made such a great Lancelot

Gerry from Beowulf courtesy of

My favorite Scot other than my Grandfather of course...*grin*

Viggo...Viggo...Viggo...Say it with me now

oh one more...

Lancelot & Guinevere

one more

From M. Rouge

another of Nicole who is the inspiration for another character *grin*

Reece...who is the inspiration for Violet

Reece...she looks a little peeved here doesn't she?

Another of Nicole

I love this picture...

One of Nicole Kidman. Isn't she just the prettiest thing?

Cool pictures I found of Reece Witherspoon! They so rock!

Okay...for Melinda...cause you know?

She just can't go a day without Viggo!!!!

Holy Smokes...
Would you look at this? Isn't this the prettiest thing you've ever seen? I'm sooooo thrilled. You have to understand. An html guru I am not but Melinda is the Queen. I soooo love this! I'm so, so, so, happy! How many times can I say that before running out of air?

Hugs Melinda and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
You made my morning!!!

P.S. Do you see what time it is Flowertown time? It is like 7:09 a.m. There is something wrong in the world when I have to get up this early. Just thought I would share that little tidbit with you...LOL

Michelle Bailey has a new home!
Here it is. Black and PINK!!!!!!