Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I finally saw "300"
At long last, I finally got to see it. I'm glad I did. The strongest impression I am left with is, what a wonderful visual of the hero's journey.

We all know how I feel about Gerry, but other than the fact that he has pretty blue eyes, one of the main reasons I like him is due to his talent for disappearing into a role. If you watch Gerry on interviews, with fans, he appears to be a very happy, funny, guy with normal everyday problems. He willingly admits to being OC. (I can relate to that. I am either all or nothing. I have no in between speed)But when you see him act, on screen he (Gerry) is gone. He totally immerses himself into his character. I admire the kind of focus and determination it takes to do such a thing. (Wish I had that myself)

But the best part of all is that for the first time in ten years my husband said this to me while walking out of the theatre. "That is the best movie I think you've ever picked out for us to see." Thanks for that Gerry!

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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Writing Progress
Rough draft challenge. I did better than I thought I would surprisingly enough. I am switching gears on a couple of things and am playing around with one of the stories and switching it from deep 3rd to first to see which one I like better. This of course takes some careful consideration due to the fact that some of my scenes need to be changed to one pov. (point of view)I’m not sure how I’m going to like it but we’ll see how it turns out in the end. It is only a kind of experiment thing anyway. I may still like the story better in deep 3rd. I have re-affirmed my commitment to finish these two stories if it kills me. I am trying not to over think things, but to plan out what I’m going to write and then I’m just writing it. Badda bing badda boom, until I hit the words THE END. Then the fun stuff starts. Ha ha ha.

So word counts for me are like this:
Fantasy Romance: Total Words this week 4124
Total Words for project: 19310

Young Adult: New words this week: 6025
Total words for project:16265

On another note: I bought several books for fun reading:
Lily’s Ghosts by Laura Ruby***I’m excited to read this because I had an idea to do a middle reader book with ghosts. Glad to see that it was a good idea. LOL.

Atlantis Rising by Alyssa Day: I have to admit that I was pulled in by the cover. Love it and I’m not much of a mermaid type person but this one looks interesting.

Writ on Water by Melanie Jackson that I’m very excited about. I like Melanie’s writing style first of all but I love this cover and I love the back blurb. Here’s what’s on the fron cover.
“They live not to love, those whose names are…Writ on Water”

Doesn’t that just sound divine? I will post and let everyone know how I enjoyed the book. I will also tell all readers and writers here something about me. If for some reason I don’t like something I don’t say anything at all. That is just me, and I’m Southern and it was the way I was raised. “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.” Just as an fyi for all of you out in Bloggerville.

So here’s hoping to another productive week!

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Monday, March 19, 2007
No post for over a month? Somebody slap me! Please!

I'm a horrible, terrible, no good for nothing blogger, that is what I am. I just realized that I have left my poor dilapadated blog for over a month without a new entry! What is WRONG with me? (Well, there is much wrong with me but I'm sure you don't have oodles and oodles of time. You are probably at work, wasting time waiting for the coffee to perk because the last jerk that poured themselves a cup of coffee didn't brew a new pot. How did I know? I'm just intuitive that way. Either that or I'm always the one that gets stuck making the coffee, getting the new roll of toilet paper, etc. etc. I feel your pain)

But why is it that when people use the last of the toilet paper they are not able to go get a new roll of toilet paper and put it back on the holder? Why is this difficult? I do not understand this. I mean sometimes, when I'm lucky, they might actually bring a new roll INTO the bathroom but it never makes it to the toilet paper holder. Kids are excluded from this rant because who ever believes they would do the right thing to begin with. You want them to replace the toilet paper, tell them never to do it. Kids will always do what you tell them not to.

Okay, Okay enough with the toilet paper. What have I been doing the last month that nobody has seen me blogwise or actually in groups or the like. Would you believe I've been writing? Oh, okay. Well, scratch that then. I guess you've heard that a time or two before eh? LOL! You can't blame a girl for trying can you? Sure you can, but I should make this post short because the coffee is brewing isn't it? Gosh, all this talk of coffee is making me want some but if I go drink it then I'll be up half the night and I need to get up early. I can't remember why but I need to.

OMG! Taxes. I've got to do my taxes on Thursday! I need to put a huge, big sticky on my desk. It will take me two days to get all the stuff ready! ACK!!!!! I totally forgot about that. But then I normally forget about things I don't want to do. Taxes, the dentist, the OBGYN. Take your pick. I think I'll just give my accountant the big box of receipts I have. I suppose he would charge me a small fortune to sort through it all. I can see one full day of doing nothing but nasty ole paperwork. Don't you all feel sorry for me?

I didn't think so.

So...I still haven't seen "300" yet. I know I'm agast as well. I'm going this week, maybe after I go see my accountant. Yes, I think that is a capital idea. What kind of horrible card carrying Tart am I that I haven't seen Gerry's new movie yet. Oh, I'm going to get it from all my Tart friends. Well, all except for Lynn, I think she is in Europe. I wonder if she is seeing "300" in London. Lynn, write me when you get back and tell me.

Hmmm...what else, what else. Oh, my mother had surgery, my daughter had a birtday, I've been trying to excerside but I think that has just made me more hungry. How does that happen? I need to drink more water. I finally quit smoking last September and I've gained a few pounds. Ahem. So it's more than a few, who am I kidding. But you know what? I can breathe now. So life is all better.

So what's going on in your part of the internet? Update me people and I will try not to be so long in posting again. I also post over at Wild Hearts (you can see the link in the sidebar) It's a bit of fun posting over there!

See you soon!

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