Friday, August 10, 2007
Ants, No rain, and thank goodness for back to school sales

One thing normally leads to another, specfically meaning the fact that we've had no rain, my front yard has cracks in it and the ants are looking for water, or food or maybe both. Either way they decided to launch an all out attack this morning. Those of you (all 2 or 3 of you) that have read my blog since '04 know that I have this ongoing battles with the tiny little six-legged creatures.

It probably doesn't help that we've hit record high temps here in the last few days. I think 104 was the biggie yesterday. I told hubby I wasn't leaving the house today. The horse was going to have to clean out his own stall. I seriously considered leaving it for my daughter who I'm told has been having a lovely time at the beach. Such a lovely time that she hasn't been able to call her mother. Oh, she has talked to the man in her life, meaning her father, but she is much to busy for me. Ha! We'll see how busy I am when she wants to go shopping when she gets back. (Maybe I'm over exaggerating a bit--maybe. But I'm a mother and I'm entitled.)

Have been working on the next draft of my young adult and jotting down notes for another book I want to write. It seems the flood gates have opened in the last few weeks. I have book that I want to write for my mother about her and her sisters, with a little bit of fiction thrown in for good measure. I've started notes already. It will probably take three years for that project to reach fruition.

But other than that I happened to be in Target yesterday and stop my heart but they had composition notebooks 2 for a $1.00. I LOVE LOVE LOVE composition notebooks. But they have to have that wide ruled grayish white paper not the bright white paper. Writing in pen is so much fun on 'that' kind of paper. Yes, I'm a paper snob. What can I say? I'm also impulsive and I bought six of them! Gah! I went crazy. I bought pens too. I didn't realize until I got home that perhaps, I should've been buying supplies for my daughter. Shrug. She still has lots of supplies from last year! Hee!

Oh, oh, and another thing! Yes, I bought Eclipse when in Target yesterday too! Boy, do I love a hot and heavy romance triangle. Chant it with me now. Edward, Bella, Jacob! I do have to admit that so far Edward is kinda getting on my nerves a bit. It's how do you say it OBESSIVE? LOL. And maybe that's to be expected but if anyone ever treated me like that at 18 I would've told them to hit the high road. But then again, that's me, ultra independent individual. So you must always take the things I say with a grain of salt. Except for the ants.

The ants must DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you guys in a bit.

Oh and by the way: I finished Chapter four! Woot! Only forty more to go! *snort*

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Blogger Unknown said...

Busy, Busy, Busy! I am tired just reading the post -- LOL. The Battle of the Ants recommenced, aye?

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