Thursday, September 29, 2005
So long Spidey
I don't mind spiders as long as they are not in my house. If they decide, by whatever manner spiders use, to come into my humble abode, they very well may get splattered. Sometimes, when I'm brave, which doesn't happen often, I might try to catch them and put them back outside. But big ones, beautiful ones, if they come in the house make me crazy.

This Spider, whom I christened Spidey, I quite enjoyed for the brief time he spent with me. Spidey was an orb spider, which is a kind of writing spider, quite apropos if you think on it, but this morning I woke up and he decided to vacate his current lodgings for somewhere else. I'm hoping that is what happened and that he didn't fall prey to some kind of predator like a bird.

Spidey fascinated me. In the dim early morning hours, before the sun broke the flat line of the sky, I could sometimes catch him eating his breakfast right outside my kitchen window. He would spin his food around and around, coating it with silk and he would ingest. I never could find the dried up carcass which is crass I suppose, but I looked none the less, being the curious sort of person that I am.

I felt a kind of sadness when I woke up this morning and all I could see was the left over remains of his web. I even went outside to see if perhaps he had fallen or scuttled off to another spot in the yard. No Spidey anywhere that I could see. Just the mangled whispers of his torn web, which leads me to believe that all did not go well for my friend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Spidey is okay. I'm one of the small minority of people who think spiders are cute!

Blogger Lynn said...

What Josie said. (unless one is crawling on me unexpectedly)

Blogger Michelle said...

I like Spiders as long as don't invade my house. I don't screw with their webs--they shouldn't come inside. I don't think that's too much to ask...LOL

Now ANTS are another matter entirely.

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