Thursday, November 17, 2005
Top Ten Reasons why Mothers are almost always exhausted
10. They always volunteer for too many activities with their children. Aka agreeing to be a co-leader for a GirlScout Troup. Not to mention running the Santa's Workshop for nine: ten and eleven year olds. I'm hoping they have fun, I'm already tired and it doesn't even start until Saturday.

9. Having two people who generate enough Laundry keep two laundreymats busy for a week.

8. Having to take out your own trash. (This one sucks big time)

7. Having to dish your good suits out of the trash can because you happened to put your (really good clothes) into a black garbage bag and the one time in a month your husband decides to take out the trash he doesn't look in said garbage bag and dumps all your clothes into the big green monster outside. It only takes a week to figure out that your clothes are missing and when you do finally get your clothes out of said huge icky green garbage can said clothes are covered in yucky mold. One 45.00 trip to the dry cleaners proves that mold does not come out of expensive suits. *sigh* and yes this really happened to me this week.

6. Adopting another puppy when you already have a house full of animals because you are a weinie.

5. Working a full time job, writing for at least two hours a night, and trying to clean a house.

4. Having a husband decide that it is time to clean up the yard. What happened? Did the football players go on strike this Sunday or what? Isn't it time for Basketball yet? I need a reprieve.

3. Having wonderful friends who want to meet with you or talk on the phone who forgive you when you nodd off during a conversation. (These friends are priceless and can never be forsaken)

2. Trying to figure out how in the world within the next month you are going to decorate your house for the holidays, buy all the Christmas presents, wrap said Christmas presents, cook two major holiday dinners, (which had better be damn good! I mean who really wants to eat burnt turkey right? I'm wondering if Domino's will deliver on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve?)work full time through out of all this, produce at least two good pages of writing a day (come hell or high water), remember to pack your childs lunch (forgot that one time this week), buy stain for the front door that has been stripped down to the metal (and people are beginning to wonder if you are one of those shabby chic types)and buy groceries. Is it any wonder I fall asleep on the sofa and can't seem to make it to my bed?

1. This month? Two Baby showers, two major holidays, two major birthday parties, one house warming, and four Christmas parties. Somebody just wake me up when its January!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2005
The Grove Plantation in the Ace Basin
This plantation is beautiful. My father took me here when I lived in Texas and came home for a visit. I wanted to see trees I told him. Real ones. Not scraggly little bushes that people think are trees, so he brought me here. There are over fifty different varities of Cammelia's around this house. they are beautiful in the late fall. Every color you could imagine. The Ace Basin is one of those places on this earth that we must preserve. There is a link to the website on the sidebar of my blog. Yeah, I'm a tree hugger. What can I say?

And my favorite...

Charleston Graveyards
Another of a Charleston graveyard. I believe this is at St. Phillips

Grave yard in Charleston

Inspiration...I love this picture
I found this picture in the vast archives of the internet. If you are the original owner of the copywrite please let me know if I'm in violation. But otherwise this picture was very inspiring to me. A haunted soul. He makes me think of Dark Knights. Very inspiring to my way of thinking. Perhaps not what you had in mind Janie? or will this do? LOL! This is a picture of Eric Etebari who played Ian Knottingham on Witchblade.

Sunday, November 13, 2005
Taking a Break
Getting away from Cyber Space

It happens. It’s needed. There are times when you need to step back away from the computer and just live. I have taken a few weeks to do that. I’m still writing, don’t worry, I have just taken a different road these last few weeks.

I get tired of sitting at the computer. Sometimes I feel my body has become part of this chair and I lose track of what is going on around me.

So after my break I am back and refreshed.

With many more words that I thought I had written in long hand.

I’ve been taking my notebook outside with me. The weather has been so beautiful I cannot stand to be inside. So I write a bit, play with the dogs, write a bit more, and breathe in some clean air.

Dixie is doing so much better! I’m so pleased. She is the sweetest dog and so smart. I meant to take a picture last night of the crew (i.e. Apollo (the boxer), Rufus (the Doberman), Nugget (the Weiner dog), Sasha and Nikki (my two poodles), and the cat. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a picture of all of them soon. But trying to get six dogs and one cat to stay still long enough is quite a challenge. It’s hard to believe all of them get along. And let me tell you the cat rules this house. Even the Boxer (Apollo) is afraid of her. It’s hysterical.

Everyone here is doing fine, and enjoying this fantastic weather. I’m going out tomorrow and take some pictures of the fall trees here. They are beautiful.
On a side note I cleaned up my back yard and straightened up my attic today. I cannot believe I got all that done. You can actually SEE the floor in my attic. I’m getting ready for Christmas. All the boxes of decorations are downstairs. Now I have to get them up.

I love Christmas. Anyone else?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The world may stop revolving...
Just when you thought it was safe to go outside or to the park without being accosted by small little elflike blue creatures, who wear these strange little white footed pajamas that went out of style in 1942, comes this news.

Egads...Can it be true? Can the Smurfs be coming back?

I'm so sick cause you KNOW I still have my smurf collection. I do. It's sad. So very sad, but hey I was a kid in the 80's and anyone remember those dancing raisens? I know I've probably got about ten of those, thanks to Hardee's free give away promotion.

My friend Lucretia is going to be so happy she might just stand on her head and spit jellybeans. Actually I'd like to see that. Maybe take a couple of pictures eh?

Great article on Point of View
This article is from the Gothom Writer's Workshop. This is a great way of describing point of view and how to use it. Thought I would share this morning...I'm off to work.