Friday, July 28, 2006
Speaking of the little people...
As you all know I've been reading The Hunter's Moon and am now onto "The Summer King" by O.R. Melling.

My family thinks (we'll use an Irish word here) daft. I've always believed in the little people. My mother of course attributes it to an over-active imagination. For myself, I have always believed where there is smoke there is fire. There are not absoultes in this world. (And what a boring world it would be if there were no magic.) So yes, I do believe in the little people.

So my mother-in-law is currently in Ireland. I have to tell you that I'm so envious of her. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to Ireland. Always. But I don't want to do the normal tourist thing with everyone else. I want to get lost, I want to be able to find my own way and spend a couple of weeks. And yes, I'm still saving for it.

Any way, I digress, I received a postcard from my mother-in-law today. It reads:
"Michelle, our driver & guide believes in Faeries. She wants to touch base with you. Lovely gal--alot of fun! Beautiful People. It is a must trip."

So, perhaps I'm not the only one who believes in Faeries eh?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I'm Better but Revisions are hell

I just needed to get that off my chest a bit. I've re-written this piece eight times already and I'm still not happy with it. It's not emotional enough, and it's not quite right and I'm quite aggitated with why I cannot seem to get my arms around it, or rather force my fingers to get the right words on paper that will illustrate, through words, what I see in my brain. (I do believe that was a run on sentence just now. Ah well it feels like the rest of me at the moment.)

I am better. Finally off all meds for the illness, thank the heavens. So that is good.

Picked up a book today while at Books a Million. I'm already through Chapter Six and it is sooooo good. I love young adult works. They have so much more meat in them. The book is called The Hunter's Moon by O.R. Melling and I have to tell you if you haven't read it--you should. It has all the things I so dearly love. Faeries, mystery, Faeries, a well crafted story and well Faeries. LOL and lots of interesting details about Ireland. I've included a picture for you. The book is so good that I went and found the author's blog and left her a comment. Not something I normally do.

So I'm taking a break from revisions and that bloody crazy N man and reading for a bit. Afraid I'll gobble this story up so fast that I won't be sleeping tonight...LOL

Monday, July 10, 2006
Feeling a bit sick tonight
So, I've been writing. A little here and a little there and I'm about to hit the hay. Thought I would post some artwork before I go to bed. Now that I've figured this thing out! Whew! Geez...It's under creative. Wouldn't you know that is how you fade images? And it was there all along. Oye...

This was my second attempt...

What do you guys think?
Bellamorte...The Beautiful Death. Don't worry it's a story...

Well, I finally figured out how to do fades in Fireworks...LOL

This was my first Blend...

Saturday, July 08, 2006
The Lake House...well worth the money
This movie is very quiet yet very moving at the same time. I don't want to give too much away, but I loved it. It's the kind of quiet movie that made me think of "Dear Frankie" simple yet powerful. Perhaps that is why I love these movies. There are no incredible bang, bang, shootem' up scenes, but oh how it tugs at your heart.

Five Stars from Michelle

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Work Today...
Whew! Well, I did play around a good part of the night. Listening and looking for the right music to write this scene I have to write. And then I did a bit of research, swords again, for both of the books. Which one, what is it called. Lunge? Parry?

Shit, I think I'll just duck.

I ended up working on revisions. I have gone through the first three pages, deepening and adding little details. Emotion. Red. Red. Red. Dark. Dark. Dark.

Then I wrote a little on my older story, I had one of those ah-ha moments in the middle of the night last night, and thankfully I remembered it. Sometimes I don't. Well, I don't remember what the exact ah-ha moment was but forgot to write it down and then I only remember that I had one but not the details. Frustrating to say the least.

We're heading out to the Lake tomorrow night and I probably won't get any writing done on the 4th.

Fiddling around with a new editing program. I'm still not sure if I like it but it will do what I want it to, now I just have to figure out how to make it work...Buahahahaha...I've lost my marbles.

Must go look for them!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Current Playlist...while writing
Well, I've a new set of songs that I'm writing to at the moment. I need to be in a certain place and music does that for me. It helps me to stay in the moment, for what I need to write. Theme is a big thing...and I've found a new song by HIM. It really sums up what is going on in the scene I'm writing...of course it is always Sweet Pandemonium

"Sweet Pandemonium" by HIM

Today tomorrow seems so far away
And the wait in vain, yeah
So safe, in the blinding light of love unchained
In yesterday's grave, yeah

The truth that could set souls free
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Afraid that everything remains unchanged
In this fragile dream, yeah
Ashamed of the shattered remains
Of promises made, yeah

The truth that could set souls free
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Drained by the anger and grief
Fazed by the envy and greed
The secret cries for a release
The lucidity hidden deep in sweet pandemonium

The truth that could set souls free
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium