Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Journal Notes on TWAB
I'm nearing the middle of June and getting close to my first draft self imposed deadline. (snort--it's slow going right now)But I'm feeling better about it.

In the beginning I wanted to tell a simple teen age romance story, but nothing I do is ever easy and my stories always seem to morph and take on a mind of their own. But my goal was a simple love story.

That has changed.

I'm not sure if my page count is going to be changing with it or not but I know that I'm adding at least three chapters in addition to where I had originally started the story. But right now it has relevance to the growth of my lead character not to mention I want her to solve her own problems and not rely on someone else to do that for her.

But as I have been tweaking, re-writing and editing these first three chapters it's become very clear what I'm really writing about.

I'm writing about choices.

About how making the right choice is never easy. If it's easy to make a choice or if it would be easier for you to take a smoother more well worn path--don't do it because it will be the wrong one. You will never appreciate something that comes so easy as you will the things that make you pull at your hair and stomp your feet. And it would be so nice sometimes to take that easy way out but I've learned from experience that you almost always regret it. My father has told me all my life, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. A good rule to live by in my opinion.

So when my lead(ant)starts out in this story--she's tired of fighting to do the right thing. She's treading water in a quagmire and it's sucking her down slowly but surely. and so she makes a mistake, one that will actually end up helping put her back on the right path, but I've toyed with this over and over and there is just no getting around it. She's got to take the easy way out in the beginning and I can't help her if she doesn't. Does that make any sense to anyone but me at 1:16 a.m.?

So my new premise will be: The ability to make the right choice in bad situations leads to self fullfillment. (I think this is the premise) or maybe. Taking control of your own destiny leads to satisfaction.

Over a thousand new words tonight.

Thank you Mr. Leto for the inspirational music. It's got my fingers all cranked up and ready to go. I'm excited about this project again.

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Monday, June 11, 2007
Jared Leto...Who knew???
This boy is not only a talented actor, he can flipping SING!!!! Like, he is a serious serious musician. It's not right to always lump people together, grouping, segregating etc...but I just happened to listen to this song and I was taken back. I didn't not expect him to have such a fantastic voice.


Color me shocked!!!!

Oh my!!!!
Wonder if you would consider 30 seconds to Mars punk pop or pop punk, or goth punk? or maybe they are their own genre...

Amazing is all I can say and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!


Thursday, June 07, 2007
TT # 2... My favorite Vids at the moment...

Michelle's 13 fav vids

This is my number one VIDEO of the month
It's a vid made about Jacob Black from Stephanie Meyers' book "New Moon"

Numero Two:
Good Enough by Evanescence set to the movie "Great Expectations"

H.I.M. with their newest "Killing Lonliness"

A Celine Dion video with the Bee Gee's

This is "Guardian Angel" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts

Abandoned by Kamelot
(Love this vid by the way. One of my fav's)

The First Taste by Fionna Apple
Love love love this one too!

This is Jessee Mcartney (hope I spelled that right)
and who I think of when I write Seimon from TWAB

The Rasmus because are an amazing band.
This is "In the Shadows"

"With Love" from Hillary Duff

I've always loved this song and now it has a home as
Miranda's theme song from TWAB.

This is "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Joely
2. Your next
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Rough Draft Challenge, Michelle, I'm late checking in...
Yes, well, I'm late but as the saying goes better late than never.

I have been having difficulty with my lead character for some time. She wasn't--I don't know--tortured enough? Her journey didn't seem realistic to me as the writer and if it isn't realistic to me, then how in the world am I supposed to make it realistic for the reader?

So I have made some changes. Some very heart wrenching changes, which make it more difficult for the lead to do what she does and I think most teen agers face a lot of the challenges she (Miranda) faces. She does not have an easy life, in fact, it takes a lot for her to pull herself up and out of a life that could swallow her whole. Overall, I'm terribly pleased with it. Everything seems to be clicking along smoothly now. And my lead's arc actually has an arc and she, as a character, actually grows in a meaningful and worthwhile way by the end of this story.

I've also found one of my villains pictured here. I really like this character as a villain. There is a quiet stillness about him that sends chills up my spine, and he is perfect for what I need.

New words: 2,257
Re-written: The first three chapters which I guess would mean about--I have no idea, let's just say they got re-written.

So that's it for me this week!

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Monday, June 04, 2007
A Quick Post...

Ah...a nice weekend at the beach. Oh wait, that was only my dream on Saturday. It poured and then it poured some more. Needless to say we didn't get to the beach this weekend but on the up side I did get my hair cut and according to my mother I know longer look like the "swamp thing".

(Why do mother's always think you look like some horrible monster just because you wait three months past your hair appointment? Yeesh, I was busy already).

So I'm back and my dd is still at her grandmothers. We'll give the beach another shot next weekend. I'm not holding my breath.

Although, since I've been so stuck on my book I was at Wally world this weekend and picked up the cooooolllleeeessssstttt journal! I love it. It even has the squiggles at the bottom of each page. So cool.

Anyway I'm about to pass out but wanted to post real quick!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I think it's safe to say that summer has officially begun! Wooooo hhooooooooo!!!!!

P.S. About the picture...Is everyone ready for the next Harry Potter movie??? I know I am! Woot!

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