Saturday, April 28, 2007
Death by Firetruck???

If writing is hard, there are times that life is harder. I found myself thankful this week that I’m even here to talk about it. Yes, the heading is correct and I almost got creamed by a very large, very red fire truck.
But instead of hitting the fire truck I hit the white Chevy pick up truck beside me (to the right)doing a total of over 7,000.00 in damage to my car.
I was lucky to walk away. My daughter was lucky to walk away. It could have been so much worse.

It’s tough to make those kinds of decisions. Either hit a firetruck who is barreling through an intersection where they have a red light and cannot see me due to trucks in a turning lane or knowingly hit the guy beside me. At least the Chevy pick up and I were going in the same direction when we hit the light. The fire truck ended up having to do a sharp left to avoid hitting us.

Tough day.

But I’m thankful. The guy that I hit was very nice. The police officer was very nice, even if he did give me the citation, and the guy who towed my car away was nice.

Me? I had to go home and go to bed. It totally stressed me out on top of everything else that is going on and due to the stress I ended up getting sick.


But I’m here and I did write 2000 words this week! Can you believe it? I can’t. But I did it.

But I'm not real keen on Fire trucks right now!

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