Thursday, June 29, 2006

Kimmie with her glass of sin

Rachel and I again at the Flying Saucer

Kim and I being goofy

Mother and Julia

Mother and my Uncle David who taught me about Three Toes the Bear...Watch out ya'll that bear is still out there and he's mad!

Another of the girls...they are so much fun! I love being around them. They lift my spirits!

My Aunt Judy and I

My Mother and my aunts

Pictures from Angie's wedding. I couldn't resist posting these! They are great aren't they?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Won't get much writing done today
Today is going to be one of those days where I am running from sun up until sun down. I have an early 10:00 o'clock meeting, then a luncheon to attend and another meeting with an employee after that, then it's off to the White Party and if I haven't collapsed into sheer exhaustion then I'll end up at the The Comedy Zone to promote the Slackers tour....

Yes, Can I just go back to bed now?


Sunday, June 11, 2006
It came to me today
That what I am writing would "in the old days" be termed a gothic novel. I have a lot more setup to go in making this story into such a thing.

I have compiled lists of words. And I've decided that my hero is too sane. LOL. Can you believe that? He is too rational for what he has gone through. I want him a little more 'mad.' So I've got some character revision to do on him.

And then there is the whole decision on whose pov? Whose story is this? It is his of course but the heroine has had a really tough go of it as well. She almost about as mad as he is.

And now back to the bloody drawing board because the scene I wrote yesterday, which was so good has totally disappeared. And people wonder why I print shit out? Hrmph!

I cannot believe i did that
I have lost over a thousand words. Important words. I'm so furious with myself. Somehwere in this computer lies a thousand important words that I wrote yesterday and I can't find them. Oh my Gawd, I have to write that all over again. Hours of work lost. I cannot think.

Oh, and if you want to check on my writing progress check out the Writing Blogs. You'll find the link in the side bar.

Argh...too mad for words right now.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Just a little something cool I

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The kids horsing around in the hot tub Posted by Picasa

More flowers...I wish I knew what this was Posted by Picasa

flowers Posted by Picasa

A different angle of Mr. Rabbit Posted by Picasa

My friend Anne Marie at the cottage Posted by Picasa

I love Water Posted by Picasa

I love this little bunny. He reminds me of the White Rabbit Posted by Picasa

and another Posted by Picasa

The stream behind the cottage Posted by Picasa

The water is really really cold from the snow melt Posted by Picasa

and another Posted by Picasa

A very peaceful place Posted by Picasa

Pictures from my stay in the Mountains near Boone and Blowing Rock Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006
Currently Reading Pawley's Island, A Lowcountry Tale
I love this writer. She always seems to make my mouth water. Not to mention making me home sick as hell. There is a saying that you can take the girl out of Charleston but you can't take Charleston out of the girl and it's so true. Once a Geechie girl always a Geechie girl. I love Dorothea's way with language. She brings the south or more specifically the places I grew up back to life with simple, wonderful language, that always leaves me wanting more...Go on Dorothea...Take us on back!