Thursday, August 30, 2007
Do I need a title?

I'm not sure. I do want to say first of all if you don't like the music? You can turn it off by pressing the first button on the music player and that will turn it off. So maybe I can come to some compromise with it or move it over to my work blog. LOL. Janie was talking tonight about why she blogs and I thought about it myself. I don't really know why I do it. It's not so much any more to talk about the writing process because other people, meaning non-writers, get bored with hearing all that stuff anyway. I think most people who blog either like to hear themselves talk or for me it's a great way to start writing for the night. It gets those writing muscles or my fingers warmed up.

This week has been rush rush. Last week I didn't write at all. I thought a lot about my story and what I want it to say. Not so much that I want to thrust a moral down someone's throat but to tell a story or spend this much time writing you have to have something important to say or a belief system of some kind. I think my belief is that true love, an equal love, where both parties are committed can save a soul or souls. I truly believe that. I've found that and maybe I see so many others that haven't that I want to send out a beacon of hope that it can happen. But you have to leave yourself open for it as well.

But at any rate...I'm still working on the story but I need to get my lead's goal in order. I don't want to revise any further because the story is hollow without it. Gotta fix it.

Working on the outline for Cathal's story. Playing. Fiddling with it. And a retelling of AKFTR. Playing and fiddling with that too.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Like the music or not? Tell me what cha think...
I'd love to take an official poll.

I kind of like having the music match one of my posts. Like "I don't like your girlfriend" goes with John Tucker must die movie review.

What do you guys think?

It's also a current play list for TWAB. Not necessarily in the same order though...LOL


Tuesday, August 28, 2007
John Tucker Must Die

I have to admit that the title of this one really scared me at first and then I was watching the teen choice awards the other night and kept seeing all these funny clips and off to netflix I went to put the movie in my que and voila--it arrived yesterday.

This movie is not an intelligent or even remotely accurate rendering of what high school is like today. (At least not any high school around us according to my niece who teaches high school and the two girls that my dd rides with.) Never the less, we went into watching this movie with no expectations other than to sit back, eat some pop corn and to have a nice laugh.

We almost pee'd our pants.




Jesse Metcalfe was so dead on as John Tucker and the girls...well, the girls I think learned their lesson. But oh how funny it was to watch!

The whole thong incident had me rolling hysterically around on the floor. I had one of those laughing fits, the kind that takes your breath and hurts your stomach.

So if you're looking for an intelligent, thought provoking movie? Don't rent this one. But on the other hand if you're bored, want to laugh and The Pick Up Artist isn't on VH1 tonight? Watch John Tucker Must Die and don't be fooled by the title.
Nobody dies. Sorry to disappoint!

I'm beginning to think there is something seriously wrong with me because I want comedy and laughter for my entertainment or romance these days. I don't want to have to think to hard, or work at something or even go grab a dictionary. Maybe this is a rebellious phaze I'm going through eh?

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Monday, August 20, 2007
The Birthday Weekend...

Heavens! I've just finished for the night. I have only to make a few minor adjustments to Chapter five and Six and I'll have everything set back to rights. Whew! I've been working and looking at my plot board this afternoon and in my revisions I'd moved one scene and sequel in the wrong place which gave away entirely too much information. I've fixed that and believe I can continue piecing this puppy together again. I've had to add a good bit as I go along to tie things together. I doubt that I'll ever write another story quite this way again. LOL. It's too hard to piece together and I seem to fight the need daily to re-write the entire thing. (Personality flaw on my part. I would revise until forever if it were up to me. But I can't so I won't.)

Friday I went to go see "Becoming Jane" and I have to agree with Maude...James MacAvoy...Oh my what a sexy charming beast. Laughing. Maybe it has something to do with Scotland that makes them so entirely irresistible across the pond. They were both [Anne Hathaway & James MacAvoy]wonderful really in the film and the girls loved it. I took three 12 year olds with me. They giggled in all the right places.

Saturday we had another little show up at the barn for my daughter where she was voted roll back queen. What a title eh? All I know is that she ran her horse as fast as they could go and then they slammed on the brakes and went in the opposite direction all in one move. She loves to scare me half to death daily. After that we went to my friend Anne Marie's where she fixed me dinner and we had peach schnops (sp?) and and lovely red wine with dinner. (French onion soup, baked chicken, cole slaw, potato salad, regular salad, and cake)

And today, my birthday, or at the writing of this email it is now not my birthday anymore. LOL. Well, I didn't do much of anything but watch movies in the morning. Let's see we watched "She's the Man" twice, "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Step Up" my daughter and I ate popcorn for breakfast and drank cola all day. Then this evening I came in and started working on my story since I hadn't worked on it on Saturday.

Which leaves us til tonight. So all in all I had a great birthday weekend and feel like I was still able to be productive.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend.

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Friday, August 10, 2007
Ants, No rain, and thank goodness for back to school sales

One thing normally leads to another, specfically meaning the fact that we've had no rain, my front yard has cracks in it and the ants are looking for water, or food or maybe both. Either way they decided to launch an all out attack this morning. Those of you (all 2 or 3 of you) that have read my blog since '04 know that I have this ongoing battles with the tiny little six-legged creatures.

It probably doesn't help that we've hit record high temps here in the last few days. I think 104 was the biggie yesterday. I told hubby I wasn't leaving the house today. The horse was going to have to clean out his own stall. I seriously considered leaving it for my daughter who I'm told has been having a lovely time at the beach. Such a lovely time that she hasn't been able to call her mother. Oh, she has talked to the man in her life, meaning her father, but she is much to busy for me. Ha! We'll see how busy I am when she wants to go shopping when she gets back. (Maybe I'm over exaggerating a bit--maybe. But I'm a mother and I'm entitled.)

Have been working on the next draft of my young adult and jotting down notes for another book I want to write. It seems the flood gates have opened in the last few weeks. I have book that I want to write for my mother about her and her sisters, with a little bit of fiction thrown in for good measure. I've started notes already. It will probably take three years for that project to reach fruition.

But other than that I happened to be in Target yesterday and stop my heart but they had composition notebooks 2 for a $1.00. I LOVE LOVE LOVE composition notebooks. But they have to have that wide ruled grayish white paper not the bright white paper. Writing in pen is so much fun on 'that' kind of paper. Yes, I'm a paper snob. What can I say? I'm also impulsive and I bought six of them! Gah! I went crazy. I bought pens too. I didn't realize until I got home that perhaps, I should've been buying supplies for my daughter. Shrug. She still has lots of supplies from last year! Hee!

Oh, oh, and another thing! Yes, I bought Eclipse when in Target yesterday too! Boy, do I love a hot and heavy romance triangle. Chant it with me now. Edward, Bella, Jacob! I do have to admit that so far Edward is kinda getting on my nerves a bit. It's how do you say it OBESSIVE? LOL. And maybe that's to be expected but if anyone ever treated me like that at 18 I would've told them to hit the high road. But then again, that's me, ultra independent individual. So you must always take the things I say with a grain of salt. Except for the ants.

The ants must DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you guys in a bit.

Oh and by the way: I finished Chapter four! Woot! Only forty more to go! *snort*

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Saturday, August 04, 2007
Time and the little bit I have of it...

First, let me say that my Internet provider went kattiewampus yesterday late afternoon sometime only to come back to life this afternoon. Did anyone miss me? Maybe one person? I did pay the bill this time. (LOL) Honest Injun.

I'm currently done with my first revision of Chapter two. Or rather maybe instead of a revision I should call it piecing together Chapter two. I'm not sure what the correct terminology would be. Either way it still needs two more revisions after this one and I'm still not sure about one character in particular and whether her reactions and voice ring true to me. Still scratching my head on that one. But the good part is coming up in Chapter Three where some really nasty creatures show up and my lovely lead is going to have to engage. She really doesn't have a choice. Pity. I've found though that most of the hard choices in life are not really choices at all. Nine times out of ten you have one of two types of situations. Either a carrot is dangling in front of a person to get them moving (normally forward) or you've lit a fire under someones rumpus (not necessarily guaranteed to move an individual forward, sometimes it has the opposite effect and they scurry backwards.) Most of the time these things encourage movement of some kind. My lead would be facing the latter.

Which is kind of fun.

The second thing that I found while I was thinking and making notes on Chapter three and what specifically I wanted to accomplish in this chapter, was the fact that I'm unconsciously following the heroes journey. I say that because I wasn't intentionally thinking along those lines. But maybe I've studied it so long that now it's ingrained in my brain.

So this weekend I aim to have Chapter three taken care and sent on its merry way through cyber space. Everyone leaves on Sunday so I should have some good work time Sunday afternoon.

On a personal note, which relates to the title of this blog post I find myself asking "Where does my time go?" I'm going to have to do a time management study on myself. Granted, I'm still trying to get used to this whole not working thing. Which is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. I pretty much gave myself permission to goof off the month of July. Now it's time to get back to work. Then at the end of this month school starts back up and as I home school that means I've got to get my butt in gear there too. Challenges. I've always loved them.

I won't be posting again until Sunday night so I hope everyone has a great Saturday!

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Thursday, August 02, 2007
What kind of flower I am...

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

"When your friends think smile, they think of you. There is not a day that goes by that you can't find something good about the world and your fellow human."
