Friday, September 29, 2006
Playing Catch up with ze blog
Well, let's see. What has been going on? Hmmm...
Went last weekend to the opening of my brother's restaurant in Mount Pleasant. Yummy! I love fried shrimp and he had all kinds of wonderful stuff to munch on. Crab dip, Fried Oyster Po Boys, Fresh Fried Catfish that was to simply die for...Oh yes, very good eating. I'll post some pictures here in a bit but the coolest thing was that the entire theme of the restaurant is of a "Fish Camp" They used old photographs of my Dad and his brothers fishing. They have a picture of the Hammerhead shark my Dad caught right outside the Charleston Harbor.

So when I walked in, the first thing I saw was this huge enlarged photo of Dad hanging on the wall. Then I saw a picture of his father. That was special. So very special. I think Grandfather would have been pleased. It was good to be with family.

Then of course, Mother was sick. Which means that I got sick. I've had the creeping crud all week. (More than likely it is allergies but I've been running a fever and I don't normally due that with only sinius problems.) Feeling a bit better today.

Of course now the dear daughter has it. Ugh. It's probably some kind of nasty virus.

I've read a bunch of books over the last few days.
The Smoke Thief by Shanna Abe which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Step into Darkness by Naomi Bellis
Edge of Darkness by Cherry Adair (this girl is hysterical)
There are more but I can't think of them at the moment.

Oh, and I got my books back from Mother. My O.R. Melling books. Yeah me. The daughter and I are going to start reading the Hunter's Moon next week. Woot! So excited.

Have managed to write about seven thousand words on a short story. So now I'm up to 80 pages and it's supposed to be a short. But I printed everything out earlier in the week to do some revision while I watched Dancing with the Stars. Heh! I'm going to be doing some re-writes. This is one of those really really scorching stories. I have been dallying with it for over a year. LOL. I wrote this for a friend of mine. A very red-haired friend. So it can't necessarily be a Mary Sue if you are writing for someone else can it? Oh well, I'm not worried about it. It's a fun little story. Quite humorous actually. The hero is getting tired of being poofed here and then poofed there. Damn Spells. I hope L likes it.

Okay, I'm off to go get some more writing done...

Thursday, September 14, 2006
We all do it. We all get in ruts where we feel sorry for ourselves. Moan and groan about our lives. But then you read something like this, and watch a video like this and it really seems to put things in perspective.

Thanks Erin, for the inspiration and yes, I can imagine.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Kicking it up a notch...

Did anyone besides me see "Dancing with the Stars tonight?" OMG! That Mario Lopez, holy sheep shit batman, can he dance or what? I about fell off the sofa.

That show is one of my vices. It was a two hour special tonight and I had to get my work done before I could watch it. My reward as such. Don't ask me why I love that show, because I cannot tell you. Maybe it's seeing the people put themselves out on a limb to look like an idiot that says to that inner voice inside of me..."See, if they can do it so can you." LOL

Janie has some great posts on her blog about habits and I agree with her. If you can get through those intial (I'm probably spelling things wrong but it's late--forgive me)three weeks. You are pretty much home free. The problem is writing is like excercising. If you stop? Well, when you get started again you're going to be sore, and might suffer some pain.

So my goal. And yes, folks you've read it here, is to finish this damn book. Sorry, I cursed. But I'm serious about this. I've revamped my character sheets and taken a good hard cold look at my plot. It needs some fixing which I have already begun. So we're off.

On a side note I have got my daughter dissecting (one or two s' I'm sure she could tell me) books. This is a great process. I made up a list of questions for her. You should hear her complaining. "But...Mommmmmmmm" Oye! Action/Reaction, conflict and goals...she will be a much better reader than I to be sure.

Oh, and I finally fixed my "Somewhere" Video. Still not totally happy with it but I'm still tweaking in the spare time. (Don't have much of that these days)

Oh, and wanted to say Congratulations to Joely! One of her stories finaled! Go Joely!