Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Lynn's Birthday
Had a great time this weekend. It was Lynn's birthday and she drove up to crash at my house, which is cool because then I don't worry about her driving home late at night. We went to the new mall that just opened, huge place that I could get lost in and I felt the need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find my way back out again. I'm not really a crowd person. I can deal with it but if left to my own devices I would prefer not to have to elbow my way in and out of stores or wait in lines to spend my money. That's just me though, probably has something to do with my lack of patience. I don't like waiting in lines to eat either. I'd rather go home and eat a salad. We wait enough in's all rush, rush, rush and then hurry up and wait.

I digress...So lunch on Sunday was extremely good with friends. We had Lynn's friends Rebecca (who is an artist) and her husband Nathan, Kyle (who is incredibly handsome, polite, and hysterical all at the same time. He's very classy and debonair)Our good friend Mary came and bless her put up with all our craziness and of course Morgan was there as well. *grin* It wouldn't have been a birthday lunch without her.

After lunch we decided to go see "The Corpse Bride" I loved it. I loved the music, the animation, (Johnny Dep was brilliant as usual) and the story. I really liked the story. I still feel a little sorry for Emily. The musical numbers were amazing, and a delight to the senses. Go see it, you will not be disappointed.

I'm hoping Lynn had a good time, birthdays are special times even if I'm trying to forget mine.


Blogger Lynn said...

Of COURSE I had a good time. And as soon as I can catch a moment to breathe for writing about it, I will. Just look how long it took me torespond to your post.

(giggle snort) Kyle is debonair? Hoo boy. . .that man so does not need more of a swelled head than he has.

Thanks again for everything, hun. Was truly a memorable day!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think that could give you some Search Engine popularity, and traffic???

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