Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A picture I like...Sometimes he dreams

A cold wind this way blows
It is freezing here! I hate the cold. I don't mind chilly really, but cut you to the quick cold? Well, I'd rather just have spring thank you very much.

Haven't done as much today as I would have like to accomplish but I did piddle a while and have made some progress on my 2006 Christmas Scrapbooking pictures. Anyone else out there beside Annemarie, Janie and I who scrabook? Annemarie was telling me just the other day that you can now upload photos to the creative memories website and create real live picture 'books' that are bound. How amazing is that? Your very own family picture book at the low price of 29.99 That simply amazes me.

Watched American Idol tonight and cried a little bit at the 64 year old man who lost his wife to cancer and actually fullfilled their dream of singing on AI. He sand an old Patsy Cline song called "You belong to me." It's a sweet song and has always been one of my favorites. It was actually quite touching.

Other than that, I froze my tushie off while my dd has her hb riding lesson in 37 degree weather. Argh. I need more clothes.

How is everyone else faring?

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Saturday, January 27, 2007
Writing and the nuts and bolts of it

Sorry it's been a bit since I've posted. Things have been crazy in my life on many different fronts. It seems that always as I am hitting my stride, becoming comfortable with my schedule that life decides to come and knock my feet out from underneath me.

I should be used to it by now.


How this concerns writing? I think I've finally learned that if you want to write you will. No matter what comes at you, you sit down and write, every day, so many pages a day until the project is finished.

You just do it.

Hark knocks, huge pitfalls, evil day jobs, no evil day jobs, husbands, kids, whatever, it doesn't matter. If you have the drive to write you will. It's that simple. But no one can put that drive miraculously into your body. It has to be there from the start.

That is what I have learned this week. That no matter what happens to me I can still write, and not half bad if I do say so myself. I finished Chapter One and Two of a rough for a second story in a series and completed chapter two of my young adult this week. Total word count around 20,000. Now this is not a normal week for me. Nope. I very hardly ever this productive.

Go figure, maybe depression is good for the writing soul?

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Dare I say it?

I think the sun is shining. I know, I know, it's so very hard to believe but I'm going out on a limb here to say that I see that beautiful ole sun breaking through the clouds.

So, what's going on in my life?
The cat is in heat because I keep putting off having her fixed and she is driving the dogs nuts. The ants are back, of course because of the rain, and I've had to get out my Raid gun on them. Not that that really stops them for long. They are very determined creatures I swear. How I ended up living on the biggest ant hill in North Carolina is beyond me.

I've been scrapbooking. (love to scrapbook) and I would take some pictures but of course I cannot find the camera cord for my digital camera so I have all these wonderful pictures that are stuck in my camera. I couldn't find my head unless it was connected to my shoulders. My DD (dear daughter) has had a friend over for two days. This is the same friend that broke her elbow in three places by falling off of a horse. (craziness) So she has a pink and purple cast that we've all signed. She's just mad cause she can't ride.

My house is still marginally clean from my visit from the boys a week ago which is a miracle unto itself. It's so easy to keep a house clean once it is clean. But boy let it go and you've got your hands full.

Currently reading No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole. Or it's next up I should say after I get my reading for study done. I have a couple of books up on my nightstand but I can't really say any of them have grabbed me by the knickers yet. Maybe I'm in a reading slump? The books I've read are good, but for me, they just haven't given me that "heart racing, blood pumping, OMG I have to stay up til three a.m. to finish it" kind of thing. And I want to feel that way. I really do! I'm waiting for it. Honest. So hopefully it'll hit me here soon.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007
OMG! We may have snow

Stop the press! Is this possible? Really?

I may have a lie down over this. (Southern term for having to stay in bed...Doesn't that sound like the thing you are supposed to do when it snows?) We are supposed to get rain, sleet, snow and possibly a conglomeration of all the above which means that I'm not leaving my house tomorrow. Got that people? I ain't leaving! I'm just hoping that we don't get ice. It's such a major pain and causes more damage than snow anyday.

I've got to find myself an easy pattern for knitting socks. Reading all these knitting blogs is making me want to try my hand at this. Of course no one in my family believes I can knit a sock, which only proves that I'm going to have to do it just to prove them wrong. I have so many issues. LOL. But how hard could it be? Surely someone with a tad bit of intelligence can knit a sock. I do still have half a brain. At least I think I do.

I can't seem to get to sleep tonight. It's been the first two days of the diet and I'm failing miserably. My sister-in-law is going to call me and ask me if I finally threw out the bag of M&M's in the frig. (Like that is going to happen. Not. Get rid of chocolate? She must be out of her ever lovin' mind)

I've been listening to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I'm totally into their song "Your Guardian Angel" Wow! I've got the accoustic version and it is so good. Also listening to Imogen Heap "Come Here Boy" which is really good as well. I'm still on my Snow Patrol kick. I could listen to Gary sing forever. He has one of those smooth voices and I like to watch him sing, there's something really sexy about his mouth. I can't figure it out yet, but it is what it is and I'm worried that I'm a perv because he is young enough to be my son! Well, maybe not quite but still.

Anyway, time for me to go night night!
Hope everyone is having a good week. Stay warm if you can and I hope no ice heads your way.

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Monday, January 15, 2007
Well, I had company since late Friday night.

Ha! If Marlowe is reading this I had two teenage boys staying with me. One eighteen and one fourteen. What a difference there is between one child and three, not to mention girls and boys. It was quite eye opening. The boys both play sports and are here in the Carolinas for a camp.
Today was the last of that and they left this afternoon.

Funny, but I know I'm going to miss their craziness.

For crazy they were in a fun, I can do anything, nothing will ever stop me, I'm immortal kind of way.

I did manage to fall and scrape up my knees pretty good and hurt my arm today though. And since I was up at 5:30 a.m. yes that is before the butt crack of dawn and something I very rarely if ever do, I'm going to be retiring early my lovlies for I do declare that I can barely hold my poor little eyelids open any longer.

So, I'm off to go do my reading before bed.

I hope I don't fall asleep. I'm behind and need to catch up

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Uh...Words fail me...Gerard Butler is THE man

Wednesday the 10th
It's been a tough week. One of my dear, dear friends lost her father this week. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family as they go through this difficult time.

Other things:
I did receive some books in the mail from Janie. What a wonderful surprise. Especially as I received a book that I've been wanted to read called "Fairest" by Gail Carson Levine who wrote Ella Enchanted. (I loved that book better than the movie...just so you know. Not that I don't love Anne Hathaway (sp?)) I also got another great teen paranormal love story. Yeah me! Woot!

I'm working on my young adult and another short story. It seems like I can never just work on one thing and maybe I should stop fighting it.

I dunno...LOL

Happy Hump Day people!

Saturday, January 06, 2007
The New Year

Well, sorry it's taken me so long to post. Last year was an interesting one I have to say. I learned an awful lot. See kiddies you never stop learning not even when you turn forty...LOL

I'm currently listening to Nora Jones "Don't know why"

Discovering Itunes and the ability to shuffle your entire playlist or a special playlist is like heaven. It doesn't take much to please me.

My new 2007 goals are pretty tough.
Finish what you start. This is a pretty big one. I'm famous for having thing half done all over the house. Partly it's because I know that I have ADD but I am making progress. I just cannot allow myself to do anything else until that task is finished. It's like a constant war within yourself. Where you wander off, and you yell at yourself and say...finish this.

Do what you say you are going to do.
I'm famous for trying to please everyone. It's my static trait. It's hurts me and at times helps. I will say oh, yes I can do that for you. Sure I'll clean out your house or mop your floor or babysit eight dogs at one time and ruin my back yard. LOL. So this year, I'm going to say "no" more often, and try damn hard not to feel bad about it. Yeah, I'm one of those people that needs everyone to be at peace. I cannot stand conflict and strife. Probably because I grew up in that type of envoirnment.

Keep my house clean.
This one may kill me. I'm a horrible house keeper. Not to mention, as my mother says, it's hard to keep a house clean with three dogs and a cat. However, I do have a daughter that is going to be helping me. She might not realize it yet, but oh ho! It's time little chick to start pulling some of your own weight. (I know that this is going to be difficult)

Finish and submit
I'm on track to finish my stories. And no matter what, I come in here and write at least two pages a day. So far so good. I'm just making it a priority.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Well, I jumped
Figuritively speaking I suppose. I moved my blogs over to the new version of Blogger. We'll see what happens now. This is a test post to see how it all works

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