Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Crazy, crazy week
Well, you know something drastic is happening if I don't post to ze blog. Let's see if I can recap for you all the goings on...
A) Whistling Dixie got sick--real sick, as in had surgery today. Somehow she ended up eating some black plastic (we think before we got her) and it clogged her up bad and twisted her intestines. Therefore they had to do surgery to fix it or we would have lost her. (Have I mentioned I love my vet?) Went to the Dr's office today to see her after surgery and she looked so much better than when I took her in yesterday. It all started last Friday night. The not eating, throwing up, etc. Wouldn't drink water, wouldn't eat. I was heartbroken. Thankfully my vet, who I had already paid to spay her agreed to do an exploratory surgery and spay at the same time which ended up saving me a bunch of moola. But bless her heart she has this huge incision from the top of her tummy all the way down and they've got her all stapled back together. Now how am I going to keep this pup from running around and pulling those suckers out? I hope they give me some sedatives or something.

I'm sick. The daughter is sick. All because of the crazy weather. We went from ninty degree weather to freezing two nights ago. Ugh! I cannot breathe out of my nose and I'm talking like Elmer Fudd.

This post is the most I've written since last Friday. Bad writer. Bad, bad, bad writer.

My poor, sweet sister has to have heart surgery, which is not as bad as it sounds but its bad enough to break my heart. I'm going this weekend to see her if I can get well enough to make the trip. I need the salt air.

Went to see a movie. Elizabethtown...I'll post a bit of a review on it later but I enjoyed it. The guys won't like it. It's kind of a chick flick but not bad.

I bought Kingdom of Heaven but haven't watched it yet.

Middy refuses to leave my yarn bag alone. I haven't finished my clay stuff, or my pumpkin pins like I wanted...

I need sleep!
Hope everyone is doing well.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Morgan!


Blogger Michelle said...

Sent you an email sweetie! Whistling Dixie came out of surgery fine and is now happily driving us all crazy because she wants to run and jump and play. She doesn't understand that she has gone through a major surgery. Keeping her down and quiet is a challenge.

I'm wondering if the fates knew she needed me now. Because if she hadn't landed in my lap, she probably wouldn't be in this world right now.

Thoughts to ponder.

Darn cold medicine!

Blogger Lynn said...

So sorry to hear about your sister. Sounds like we were both having a bad week last week. Ugh. Hopefully things are better now so we can chat. Hugsies.

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