Saturday, October 15, 2005
Something a little different
I've been thinking. Oh boy, you say, here she goes again. But I'm actually thinking this might work.

Okay, here's the idea:

Monday through Friday I'm going to write new words.
Saturday and Sunday I'm going to work on outlines.

This is so that when I hit Monday-Friday I know exactly what to write and the hard part is over so to speak. Not to mention if I know what needs to come next I don't spend all this time cutting and pasting and re-writing scenes. (That's the pantser in me)

I've been trying to write from a complete block but everytime I put my fingers to the keyboard something changes. I end up going back and correcting my outline a hundred times. (Why? this doesn't really make sense to me.) Now I don't really veer off course that drastically. All the major plot points are still covered, the character arc has already been figured out. Those things do not change. It's the little things, that I have this almost intense need to go back and change to add or tweak. It takes up a lot of time and I'm not going to do that anymore.

Writers do what is best for them. I like to know what I'm going to be writing before i write it. I do. The hard part is thinking out the plot. What happens here, what happens after that? And so on. It's like playing the game of what if? If you've never tried this you should. Take a situation, or a character and say what is the worst possible thing that could happen to them? How would they re-act? How would they deal with the obstacles in front of them? And just when they think they've got it solved what other right hook can you throw at them, that will enable them NOT to fix it. Well, this is what I'm attempting to do. I'm all set.


My internet time has been cut in half. Maybe an hour or two a night. Most of the time spent on the computer is writing time. I decided Thursday night that I wouldn't go online at all until I wrote for three hours. (Yeah, it almost killed me) But I ended up 3500 words the richer.

Last night I did the same but I only had a two hour time slot...2800 words the richer.

This is a nice pace for me. I'd like to get my speed up to about 3000 to 3500 words per night. And by working from my plot outlines, I think I can do this.

We'll see how it goes...


Blogger Lynn said...

Good luck!!

Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks Lynn. Um...aren't you supposed to be working on your dissertation sweetheart?
Just a friendly little reminder. *grin*

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