Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Some things cannot be lost

It's true. Once taken some things cannot be gotten rid of either. I ended up this morning editing my Chapter One. I looked at my writing in a very cold and analytical way and it just didn't strike me. I wanted more from my main character, because in fact,it is from her point of view (first person) that we see the story unravel. I think that in the first writing of this story I 'thought' too much. I re-wrote the beginning scenes so much that I confused myself and while perhaps it was important for me to know those events and what had actually occured it is not the right place to start the story. I don't know. I'll send it out to my readers and see what they think here at the end of the month.

Other than that, I have family coming into town this weekend. I swear I feel like my life has been a merry go round since the first part of this month. The cat is in heat so nobody has really gotten any sleep. Have you ever heard a female cat in heat? They make the most god-awful sound in the universe. I swear at about 2:00 a.m. I thought she was dying and if she wasn't I thought my husband was going to kill her if she didn't shut up. I finally ended up going downstairs and locking the poor baby in the kitchen where her cries were at least muted.But worse? She thinks my labs are really big black cats. They don't find it amusing in the least to have a feline weaving in and out of their legs. Nope. Not at all. Several times poor Mia gave me that look. "Please save me from this furry creature who normally tries to smack me on the nose if I get near her." It's so bad in fact that I caught Midnight waiting to pounce on the big dogs from the stairs. She has no shame. None what-so-ever.

So if I survive this weekend. I'm home free. I swear.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

L is coming on Tuesday and I have to go somewhere almost every day but I am writing. I love my story.

You have till September 20th.


You are not going to get better without practice and finishing something. ANd then moving on.

Now go, go, go.

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