Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Why didn't they leave? I'll tell you why.
Number one, people living on the coast have lived through hurricanes. They've lived through worse. Southerner's never forget anything. We're a stubborn lot and prideful. They think well I weathered out Cammille, I'll weather this one out too. Then when its too late, well you're stuck aren't you?

I remember watching over the weekend a young mother with her child being interviewed in New Orleans. I find myself wondering and hoping that she got to safety. Her baby only a month old. She had no car. No television. Barely eeking by. How was she gonna leave? She had no money for a cab, a taxi or even bus fare. Every penny she had went to taking care of that baby.

What about the elderly? They can't leave. Heck they have their meals delivered to them for Pete's sake. They don't drive. They have NO money. How were they supposed to leave?

Let's face it folks. Poor is poor. How many of us have missed a meal? How many of us have gone to bed wondering how we are going to feed our children the next morning? Shame on us. Shame on reporters for questioning it. It's easy to sit in a television station and swear that you can't believe these people didn't heed the warnings. Until you've walked in these people's shoes please don't do that. Don't even dare. Cause let me tell you...If they'd had the ability and the where with all to leave they would have.

There are places in the deep south that time hasn't touched. It's for real and I've seen seen it with my own eyes. Island and Coastal people are very strong willed. Sometimes too much so.

Time was a factor as well. Some people didn't leave because of their parents and those that did are now faced with the questions of where are they now?

I only hope and pray that the remaining souls can get out before this situation becomes much worse.

Sorry for the rant. Time to turn the television off.


Blogger Michelle said...

Me too, Joan. Me too!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes me really angry is that the government knew the hurricane was coming. Where were federal aide and cars to evacuate those who couldn't do it themselves?

It's just sick to let these people die just because they don't have money.

Blogger Michelle said...

Good Question Angelle. One I'd like the answer to myself.

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