Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sharks on Interstate 10...????
Okay. Wow. I've had the news on all day. I just turned it off, but before I did there was a report from a police officer in New Orleans who reported seeing a three foot shark swimming in the fast lane on Interstate 10. This ain't no joke. It's for real folks. I cannot fathom this.

New Orleans is filling up with water. It's breaking my heart. The 17th street Canal levee has been breached along with the levee off Charter (I think I have that right)They are saying that if they cannot get the breaches filled that another fifteen feet of water could come into the city.

I'm sick.

I'm worried about all these people.

I've sent money. Money I don't have but I did it anyway.

The shark thing threw me for a loop. I have a phobia about sharks. Guess it comes from watching JAWS at the tender age of nine. But to see one swimming down one of my streets? Well, you might as well commit me.

But it does happen.

I was in Charleston during Hurricane Hugo. I worked right down at the port once upon a time. Our office building had over five feet of sea water in it. When we came back to work we had to clean the building before we could do anything. It took weeks. There was mud, dead shrimp, snakes, spiders, dead fish and bees in our building. Ick! I remember taking cubicles apart, being on my hands and knees with a screw driver--filthy dirty. I don't think I'd ever been that dirty or tired in my life. At that point we had water. Cold water, but it was water. We were without electricity for a month. You'd be surprised how quickly you adapt. My father and I used to sit out in the garage to have a smoke and read by coleman lanterns or candle light.

My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to all those who have lost their homes, their jobs, or loved ones.

Katerina has done more damange than I have ever seen in my lifetime. It's claimed a city. Entire Cities. Gulfport, Buloxi, Mobile...and more.

I'm heart sick tonight. No writing done today. Will start back up tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharks! :-O I hope they were nurse sharks, not Makos or some other meanies.

Katrina was a terrifying hurricane. I don't ever want to see another one like it in my lifetime.

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