Monday, August 15, 2005
Chronicles of the Destroyer
I used to talk about Rufus a lot on another blog I had. So since I cannot sleep again I thought I would update you on our beloved Rufus. You see, Rufus does not belong to me. He belongs to my niece and her husband. But I baby-sit. A lot.

Rufus is a fifty pound Doberman and Rottie mix. It’s okay he geni impaired. He is now seven months old and no he’s not out of the chewing stage yet. I have nicknamed him the Destroyer. Why you ask? Let me count the ways…

My nephew no longer has seat belts in his back seat. Why? Because of the destroyer. Yep. Chewed into smithereens.

Two mops, one broom, one black leather suitcase, four decapitated Barbies? All goners attributed to the “Destroyer”

Two Corning ware bowls, one belt, three extension cords, and eighteen stuffed animals obliterated.

His latest causality? My black leather pumps. My favorite pumps. The Destroyer strikes again.

I’m sending his Daddy a bill.


Blogger Lady Meg said...

Having two babies of my own, I completely understand how frustrating the "chewing" bit can be. Granted... they only weigh about 8 pounds a piece, and they can't even fit a full size tennis ball in their mouths. Their nac for destruction, however, should NEVER be underestimated. They have managed to destroy their first puppy bed, one of our quilts, the wallpaper on a corner in the mudroom, the wood frame that surrounds the doorway into the living room, one stuffed animal (just decapitated tonight), one pair of flip flops, and I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two other things but they'll come to me later. Let's also not forget the TRENCHES that they've dug in our backyard. It's like a bad WWII movie.

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