Sunday, August 14, 2005
Character Work...
Challenges are especially fun. I am doing some character work on a stock character. A character that I want to be very different. Well they are different. Some words to describe character.

Orange. Oily. Nasty. (These are not being used mind you-but came into play)Speaking in Riddles. Speaking in Analogy. Speaking of themselves as if they are a third person. Canny but faded blue eyes. Sharp features. Small little static traits that make them different. Some possibilities: A tic in their left eye when aggraviated. A cane that is not really a cane at all. Hairpins that have various usuage. Plump. Pasty. Pale. Gaunt?

All of those things have reminded me of this character but it is not so much what they look like and how they carry themselves that is important but more so "what" they say and their meaning. It could be construsted as very polite but there is an underlying 'deadly' message. Oh yes. Do not be mislead. Some characters can be poison if you hurt those to whom they are loyal. Knowledge is a dangerous thing.


Blogger Lynn said...

Oh, ugh, I would have to read this after saturating my brain for hours with Todorov's fantasy theory. Now I am gonna have some interesting dreams. . .but I did see GB listed down below so. . .off to better ones!

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