Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Dear Heavens...

I just went and read this and it's horrible. I'm laughing but it's not really funny. I can see the headline now. Butler injures partner in striptease. Sorry Hillary if you by some freak of nature read this, but it struck my funny bone, and I spewed my tea. Only this could happen to Gerry.

In other news I hope everyone goes out to vote. It's what they call a Blue Moon vote here in North Carolina but I'll be hitting the polls just the same. I've been doing my homework and there are several seats on the school board up for grabs. (heh...I'm going to do my own damage control)

I'm working hard on my story. Not much time to blog. I'll be awol from Thursday on as I'm heading up to the mountains for a woman only retreat. That means no men, no children, only crazy adult females that don't really have much sense. I suppose I may end up sleeping on an air mattress or the couch but I need a break. We are going to be in Blowing Rock at the big cabin. A beautiful place. I've made oatmeal raisin cookies, and a batch of snickerdoodles. I'm also making a mega pot of spagetti right now and freezing it so we don't starve. I'm going to take my lone bottle of locally fermented red wine from North Carolina and a bottle of Tequila. Good thing I'm not driving.

Still not smoking. (And no one who is going smokes, so I'm in the clear there)

Office still not clean, but I can however see the floor and Meg's desk is clean, which is where I teach. First report card came out this week and the youngin' made straight A's. I don't know who is more pleased. Home schooling is a lot of work, but for us it is paying off.

Going to come a gullywasher tomorrow so the weatherman says. We'll see if his prediction is correct. I know it's cold as a witch's tit right now...

Hope everyone is doing well.

Currently Reading: Talking to Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
Just finished reading: The Thirteenth Tale
Listening to: Wreck of the Day by Anna Nalick


Blogger Michelle said...

I did like Thirteenth Tale. I thought it was very good. She has a very flowery way with words that sometimes distracted me from the story, but it was a good story, and one that leaves you thinking about it after reading it. I'm going to re-read it again I think.

I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. I wish you could come with us this weekend. We are going to be doing crafts, some shopping, and there is an old bookstore there I'm going to go revel in. I'm so excited. Get well soon, Janie!!!! I'm worrying about you!

Hugs and I miss you tons!

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