Sunday, November 05, 2006
Salem and other things...

Hello everyone, as promised here is a picture of Salem. He is a little shy and I couldn't get close enough while he was out in the pasture to get a better shot. I need a better camera. *sigh*

Had a great Halloween, and I hope everyone else did as well. We had fun. Meg's got this coffin cape and wore it with dental fangs. (Those things are a pain in the butt to get to stay in.)

Spent most of the day yesterday down at the barn. They are rebuilding the corral or riding ring. It got quite cold after a while. Finally found out what kind of horse Salem is. A Tennessee Walking Horse. Their gait is supposed to be easier on the rider.

Tuesday night they got me up on a horse. I tried to tell them that a forty year woman is not supposed to get up on horses, especially one who doesn't have a clue about riding. (I could break a hip for crips sake) but they didn't listen to me and up I went. Thank Gawd Mucho is a good horse. I kept telling him please don't kill me...LOL Mucho, being the good horse he is, listened thank the heavens.

What else? Oh, I'm getting ready to make Oatmeal cookies, anyone want one?


Blogger Michelle said...

LOL...You should have seen me, Bonita. I was tell Fred, the man who gives lessons to my daughter that no matter how good a horse Mucho is, he better not let me fall off!!!

It was actually a lot of fun. If I had fallen off just think of all the writing time I would have gotten in...LOL

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